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Dr Soumya Lanka MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFFP, DCH has worked endlessly in NHS clinics, surgery’s and hospitals all around Essex, sharing her expertise with the public. After graduating in 2002, and practicing as a fully qualified GP and Aesthetic Doctor ever since then, she has decided to build up her own Private Clinic in Chelmsford.
Taking on this project was never going to be easy, but with the support of her devoted family she fulfilled her goal. Dr Lanka has always been ambitious and pushed to further her career, from working as a GP to practicing in the prestigious St Andrews burns and plastics unit at Broomfield Hospital.
The clinic itself was designed entirely by Dr S Lanka, along with her husband Dr Raghu Lanka. The finishing touches include 3 discreet, fully equipped consulting and practicing rooms, elegant reception interior, flat screen TVs, toilet facilities and drink facilities.
The official opening of Skin Sense GP Clinic took place on Saturday 21st January 2017. Clinic launch and cutting of the ribbon was fulfilled by Councilor Linda Denston, Deputy Mayor of Chelmsford and Sir Simon Burns MP. The event saw between 50-80 existing clients, new clients, family and friends, enter through our door to see the demonstrations on the day.
Scheduled for the Opening Event, we had a range of live demonstrations and presentations throughout the day, including IV Nutrition, Lip Fillers and PlexR. We began with a live demonstration of Juvederm lip fillers on one of our lovely regular clients, Hollie. She opted for a 1ml syringe, which allowed the viewers to see how much of a difference it would make. Hollie interacted with the attendees of our open day, giving them information on her experience and how it was feeling as the procedure was carried out.
Lip fillers have always been a favourite procedure for Dr Lanka’s clients, as she creates natural results using specialist techniques. Another favourite procedure for our clients is the Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty using Plexr technology. We wanted to showcase this procedure as the machine itself has a vast range of uses, but also incredible non-surgical results ”“ equivalent, or even better than, the results of surgical procedures.
Plexr, for us, is a hidden gem which not many people know about. Although, with so many uses we just had to share it with our clients! The response from everyone who watched our live demonstration were in shock of how effective the treatment is, and how you can see the results immediately. Feedback from those who attended the open day included “results right before your eyes” and “who knew a simple device could create such wonderful results?”
Our volunteer model, Jade, struggled with her nerves before and during the treatment. Although, with the help of our Hypnotherapist, Jane Williams, she was calmed and was extremely happy with her results.
Along with the Live Demonstrations, we offered free samples of products, as well as free hair and skin analysis by one of the Gold Collagen RX team.
Since the opening of our clinic, we have built a large clientele with so many recurring customers. Dr Soumya Lanka prides herself in the work she gives to her clients, and the successful clinic she has built.
We hope to continue building up our clientele and improving our clinic every day. What a great start to the year!
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The opening of our new Clinic
Dr Soumya Lanka MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFFP, DCH has worked endlessly in NHS clinics, surgery’s and hospitals all around Essex, sharing her expertise with the public. After graduating in 2002, and practicing as a fully qualified GP and Aesthetic Doctor ever since then, she has decided to build up her own Private Clinic in Chelmsford.
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Do fat dissolving injections (Aqualyx) work
Aqualyx is a famous brand of Fat Dissolving Injections that we LOVE to use at our clinic. We love this treatment as it is the simplest procedure with incredible results! Aqualyx works by dissolving stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise, for example the dreaded double chin or those unwanted love handles.
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Dr Lanka’s Favourite Skin Care Product
Dr Lanka’s favourite skin care products, which she uses herself, is the Obagi Nu-Derm System. As well as being her favourite, it is the most popular and frequently purchased skin care regime at Skin Sense GP Clinic.
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PRP treatment
PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma, is an excellent method of encouraging cell reproduction, improving the growth factors and skin and hair. This treatment has become increasingly popular as a non-surgical alternative to traditional procedures.
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Acne treatments
All you need to know about acne and our treatments Here at Skin Sense GP Clinic, Dr S Lanka specialises in Dermatology and Skin Care, from moles to pigmentation to acne. But most commonly in our clinic we see cases of Acne, in teenager and in adults.
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Top Tips for Summer Health
Summer is our favorites' time of year: the suns out, BBQs are cooking and the drinks are flowing. But don’t forget to look after yourself on these lovely sunny days.
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Benefits of sunscreen
As we approach the middle of the Summer, we question whether it is worth applying sunscreen in a country which isn’t so sunny. Well, the answer is always YES!
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Semi Permanent Makeups by Jasmine
Last week we had our Semi-Permanent Make Up artist, Jasmine, in for her first session since joining our clinic. After seeing her portfolio, we couldn’t wait for her to start! Even our own Dr Lanka was interested in the treatments that Jasmine offers.
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Does Botox work for Hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is a taboo condition that sufferers do not like to address as it can be very embarrassing and affect day to day lives. Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating, which often occurs on the head, underarms, palms of hands, soles of the feet and the groin.
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HydroFacial and the BUZZ about it!
There are many different types of facials on the market, sometimes we wonder which type of facial suits our skin type, which product choice to go with or which way to turn. It lands up sending us into a dizzy spiral at times. But finally, an answer has arrived to all of our prayers.
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