Over time, your skin produces less collagen and elastin which is responsible for the soft, springy texture of the skin. The facial muscles beneath the skin also become weaker leading to further drooping, under the influence of gravity. This process is encouraged by sun exposure which damages skin cells reducing the production of collagen and elastin. A broad-spectrum sunscreen will reduce the effects of sun exposure and ultimately lead to less sagging.
Weight loss, particularly significant weight loss over a short period of time, is another cause of sagging due to the loss of fatty tissue in the face. Smoking also damages skin cells and leads to dehydration of the skin and sagging is more commonly seen and often worse in people who smoke. There are a range of treatments aimed at increasing collagen and elastin production, skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing, there are several treatments that work specifically when for sagging of the skin. Dermal fillers can replace lost volume and lift the tissues below due to increased volume. Skin peels and needling are also effective in tightening loosened skin.